Chocolate cake with rose water

Desserts (Dessert (8 servings) )

100 g soft butter
50 g light yellow soft brown sugar
50 g dark brown soft sugar
150 g dark chocolate of good quality
1 tbsp rose water
5 eggs
125 g ground almonds
1 tsp baking powder
½ a tsp baking soda
Crème di balsamic (for decoration)


Preheat the oven to 180°C and grease a 22 cm baking tin lightly with flour. Cut a circle out of a piece of baking paper large enough to cover the bottom of the baking tin and put it in. Beat the butter and sugar creamy. Melt the chocolate au bain marie and let it cool down for a few minutes. Add the chocolate and rose water to the mixture of butter and sugar. Then add eggs, ground almonds, baking powder and baking soda. Blend it all well with a whisk or kitchen machine.  Pour the batter into the cake pan and bake the cake for 35-40 minutes. Let the cake cool down on a wire rack for half an hour before removing the tin. For a festive accent, you can decorate the plate (preferably a white one) with a little crème di balsamico and then put a piece of cake on it. Decorate with a little bit of crème, some fresh rose petals and some strawberries or raspberries.


Persian rose tea

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To dry your own rose petals at home, all you need are freshly picked rose petals, washed and then carefully dried of all remaining water.

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Mix the meat with the mixture of flour, salt and paprika.



Briefly boil the sugar, citric acid, strawberry puree and honey.

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