
The history of growing roses dates back to ancient history. It is well known that roses have been grown for their nutritious, medicinal and cosmetic properties for thousands of years. Pheno Geno Roses have invested a lot of time and effort in research and testing to bring out the best in roses. Our Taste of love® edible varieties have improved nutritional and organoleptic properties and can even match high quality fruit like blueberries.

Each of these roses went trough a series of tests and trials for biochemical compounds, aromatic properties, decorative and overall appearance and health of the plant before it was even considered to carry the name Taste of love®.

Below you will find 9 different varieties, varying in colour, size, shape and aroma, but you can expect more roses of different traits in the future as our breeding and testing programs are still ongoing.

Rosa 'Dolce'™

Rosa 'Dolce'™


Edible rose with sweet taste of red currants

Colour: Cyclamen red
Height: 40-50 cm

Rosa 'Raspberry'™

Rosa 'Raspberry'™


Edible rose with a sweet flavour of fruit candies

Colour: Deep pink
Height: 40-50 cm

Rosa 'Pear'™

Rosa 'Pear'™


Edible rose with taste of sweet and sour pears

Colour: Light pink
Height: 60-70 cm

Rosa 'Renée van Wegberg'™

Rosa 'Renée van Wegberg'™


Edible rose with a light sweet raspberry taste

Colour: Gentle Pink
Height: 60-70 cm

Rosa ‘Theo Clevers’™

Rosa ‘Theo Clevers’™


Edible rose with a delicate strawberry aroma

Colour: Pink
Height: 70-80 cm

Rosa ‘Jordi Roca’™

Rosa ‘Jordi Roca’™


Edible rose with sweet and fruity aroma

Colour: Apricot-orange
Height: 70-80 cm

Rosa ‘Nadia Zerouali’™

Rosa ‘Nadia Zerouali’™


Edible rose with a fresh lemon / lemongrass taste

Colour: Light yellow
Height: 70-80 cm

Rosa ‘Decoration’™

Rosa ‘Decoration’™


Edible rose for decoration

Colour: Vibrant-red
Height: 40-50 cm

Rosa ‘Eveline Wild’™

Rosa ‘Eveline Wild’™


Edible rose with a sweet fruity flavour

Colour: Apricot
Height: 60-70 cm


Just like a different variety of fruit, e.g. apples, have different aromas, so does roses. Did you know their taste can range from sweet to citrus and depending on your cooking preferences they can be used for confectioneries and gourmand meals alike?


Best time for harvesting rose flowers is early in the morning as that is when the concentration of aromatic and nutritional compounds is at its peak.


If flowers are not to be used immediately after harvesting, they should be kept in the plastic container in the refrigerator.


Even though stamens of roses are also edible, and they contribute to the overall aroma, people with pollen allergies should avoid them and use petals only. Rosa 'Theo Clevers'™ is perfect for those that do not like to deal with the little golden beads, as it has no stamens!


Delicate nature of rose petals does not allow hard washing under splashing water, so growing your roses in organic conditions is the best way to go. Shake each flower to get rid of small insects if there are any, gently rinse under running cold water and your flowers are ready for use.


White part at the base of rose petals can sometimes be a bit bitter, so if you want to reach maximum flavour from your roses, removing the basal part can be a good idea.


Easiest way to enjoy rose petal flavour all year round is to preserve their essence by making rose water or rose syrup (recipes are available on our website) or dry them and store in an airtight container.


With its nutritional value roses can match and even outperform most of common fruits and vegetables. High concentrations of vitamin C and antioxidants ensure not just delicious and exotic, but also a healthy meal.
